Whats The Standard Format For Land Condition Records

The Land Condition Records (LCR) were prepared in the year 1999. The LCRs were based on a report produced by the Urban Task Force entitled " Towards an Urban Renaissance". The land Condition Report covered the issues related to uncertainty in buying, selling and developing brown field land.

However, a standardized system for reporting ? the Land Condition Record, was fully launched in November 2000 by an expert Steering Group. The Land Condition Record is a complete document that deals with all issues related to land quality, affecting a piece of land. It is structured so to provide an overall model of the land.

The Land Condition Records takes factual notes on what has taken place on the land piece and brings together the information in one piece in a logical format. A registered Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) has got the only power to complete the records. One can only become a SiLC when a contaminated land professional demonstrates a high level of professional qualification and experience in the field. benefits from having SiLC registered staff and are offering Land Condition Records services to their customers.

The website is a complete resource on environmental risk assessment, environmental management and Energy Performance Certificate information. Land Condition Records includes several steps ? facility information, safety and emergency action plan, objectives and resources, inventory, analysis and alternatives. The main objectives of the records are to determine the future goals of the producer and accordingly chart a comprehensive nutrient management plan for present and future conditions. LCR aims to look into all environmental sensitive issues and also addresses resource concerns on facility and land sites.

However, the reports should detail about decision-maker's responsibilities, component installation schedule that includes appropriate land unit label, official practice name, briefing of the practice and so on, production functional requirements, storage unction requirements, utilization function requirements, public protection and contingency plan. Whenever a piece of land is chosen for LCR, it is necessary to make a complete analysis of land application by designing distribution system and selecting necessary equipments. A nutrient management plan is to be developed to find out the application rates and volumes by selecting the fields, sampling soil, water and plants. A soil map is also needed to interpret land capability, woodland suitability, and pasture and hayland suitability.

To know more on LCRs, log on to the website and you can find one of the leading environmental land consultants in the UK - Wilbourn Associates at your service to solve all your problems related to properties, construction and land use, also providing assistance for existing environmental management issues.

Jason Gardner is a well known author who writes articles for Wilbourn Associates, the UK's leading resource for Chartered Environmental Land Consultants, Remediation Management Services, provider of Energy Performance Cerificates, Land Condition Records and Environmental Management Services. For more information please visit

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